The Terrifying Reality Of Hiring Overseas Web Freelancers

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Nowadays it seems to be common knowledge, that hiring freelancers from overseas for your website isn’t such a good idea. But do you know why? Security company Tripwire actually performed a study, selecting 10 seemingly reputable freelancers to build a website with an intent to analyze those websites. Each freelancer … Read More

Enough Is Enough

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It’s Time To Redesign Your Website! For most companies website redesign is a serious challenge – your website has to reflect all the relevant information about your company. It requires to be well written, high in search engines, should work smooth and align well with current brand image. Increase your … Read More

When To Rebrand?

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7 Questions to Ask Yourself After a number of years in business, it might be time to dust off your brand. An up-to-date brand strategy gives you a major edge in increasingly competitive markets, while wrong branding simply doesn’t attract right people to your business. It is essential that the … Read More

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