
Welcome to the Stay on Your Feet website feedback survey!

Stay on your Feet is the regional strategy that supports healthy, active aging for older adults.

In efforts to provide you with the best experience on the Stay on Your Feet website, we are asking you to take approximately 30 minutes to provide us with your feedback. To get started, please follow the steps below:

  1. Browse all pages on the https://stayonyourfeet.ca/ using a phone, tablet and / or computer.
  2. Fill out the survey questions below.

We encourage responses with as much detail and honesty as possible. The results from this survey will be anonymous and used internally to improve our website.

We greatly appreciate your time and participation!

Selected Value: 1
Select a value by clicking on the dot and sliding it along the scale to the value that best represents your answer. (10 representing the most)
Selected Value: 1
Select a value by clicking on the dot and sliding it along the scale to the value that best represents your answer. 1 (not at all easy) to 10 (very easy)
Selected Value: 1
Select a value by clicking on the dot and sliding it along the scale to the value that best represents your answer. 1 (not at all satisfied) to 10 (very satisfied)
Selected Value: 1
Select a value by clicking on the dot and sliding it along the scale to the value that best represents your answer. 1 (not at all accurate) to 10 (very accurate)
Selected Value: 1
Select a value by clicking on the dot and sliding it along the scale to the value that best represents your answer. 1 (not at all organized) to 10 (very organized)
Selected Value: 1
Select a value by clicking on the dot and sliding it along the scale to the value that best represents your answer. 1 (not at all understandable) to 10 (very understandable)
Selected Value: 1
Select a value by clicking on the dot and sliding it along the scale to the value that best represents your answer. 1 (not at all easy) to 10 (very easy)
(Select all that apply)
Selected Value: 1
Select a value by clicking on the dot and sliding it along the scale to the value that best represents your answer. 1 (very poor) to 10 (very good)
Selected Value: 1
Select a value by clicking on the dot and sliding it along the scale to the value that best represents your answer. 1 (not at all likely) to 10 (very likely)
Selected Value: 1
Select a value by clicking on the dot and sliding it along the scale to the value that best represents your answer. 1 (not at all likely) to 10 (very likely)